Superlife Studio


The Superlife Studio was created in 2014 by Edrris Gaaloul and Cyrille Verdon, two Swiss designers.
After studying at ECAL (École Cantonale d'Arts of Lausanne), they decided to work together and develop a place of creation that resembles them. Using various materials, metal, wood, wood, plastic, plaster, they carry out environmentally friendly and innovative projects.

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Items 1-12 of 24

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Designer : Superlife Studio
  1. Aaron Probyn 5 items
  2. AHM & LUND 2 items
  3. Alba Gallizia 2 items
  4. Alexander Girard 15 items
  5. All the Way to Paris 5 items
  6. Altherr Désile Park 5 items
  7. Ana Kraš 4 items
  8. Andrea Anastasio 6 items
  9. Andreas Engesvik & Daniel Rybakken 4 items
  10. Andreucci & Hois 2 items
  11. Andries & Hiroko Van Onck 2 items
  12. Anna Perugini 13 items
  13. Anne Harvala 3 items
  14. Antoni Palleja office 21 items
  15. Ashtari et Ethnicraft design Studio 2 items
  16. Astrid Luglio 5 items
  17. Atelier Alinea 19 items
  18. Begum Cana ozgur 7 items
  19. Begum Cana Ozgur & Marcos Catalán 4 items
  20. Benjamin Thut 2 items
  21. Bertjan Pot 3 items
  22. Bianca Scarfati Fabiana Mastropaolo 3 items
  23. Big 10 items
  24. BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group 4 items
  25. Big Ideas 3 items
  26. Birgit Gämmerler et Peter Gaebelein 4 items
  27. Birgit Gämmerler, Iris Braun, Rolf Huber 2 items
  28. Blocher Partners 4 items
  29. Brian Sironi 6 items
  30. Broberg & Ridderstråle 2 items
  31. Brogliato Traverso 10 items
  32. BÜRO FAMOS 3 items
  33. Cadsana Studio 21 items
  34. Carlo Massoud 3 items
  35. Charles & Ray Eames 138 items
  36. Charles Eames & Eero Saarinen 4 items
  37. Charles Kalpakian 9 items
  38. Charlotte Perriand 7 items
  39. Chiara Onida 2 items
  40. Christophe Mathieu 6 items
  41. Clàudia Valsells 8 items
  42. Claudio Dondoli - Marco Pocci 7 items
  43. Conception d'usine 4 items
  44. Corrado Dotti 14 items
  45. Daniel Kübler 4 items
  46. Daniel Lopez 3 items
  47. Davide Oldani & Attila Veress 2 items
  48. Davide Oldani, Attila Veress 2 items
  49. Dawn Sweitzer 88 items
  50. DCWédition 4 items
  51. DCWéditions 3 items
  52. Denis Guidone 11 items
  54. Design Cassina 4 items
  55. Dimitri bahler 2 items
  56. Djordje Cukanovic 3 items
  57. Dorothee Becker 2 items
  58. Eames 3 items
  59. Earnest Studio 4 items
  60. Edward Barber et Jay Osgerby 2 items
  61. Edward van Vliet 31 items
  62. Emanuel Gargano / Anton Cristell 6 items
  63. Emiliana Design Studio 7 items
  64. Ernesto Gismondi 5 items
  65. Erwan Bouroullec 2 items
  66. Ethnicraft Design Studio 46 items
  67. Eva Solo 2 items
  68. Fabrice Berrux 11 items
  69. Fatboy 2 items
  70. fermob 4 items
  71. Formafantasma 3 items
  72. Forti E Di Loreto 2 items
  73. Foster + Fosters 4 items
  74. Franco Albini 2 items
  75. Frank 3 items
  76. Frédéric Dedelley 4 items
  77. Fritz HALLER & Paul SCHÄRER 5 items
  78. Fritz Haller und Paul Schärer jun. 22 items
  79. Gam Fratesi 4 items
  80. George Nelson 59 items
  81. Gerrit Rietveld 7 items
  82. Gerrit T. Rietveld 3 items
  83. Giancarlo Mattioli, Gruppo Architetti Urbanisti Città Nuova 2 items
  84. GRAND 4 items
  85. Guglielmo Poletti 2 items
  86. HANNES & FRITZ 7 items
  87. Hella Jongerius 8 items
  88. Helmut Scheufele 2 items
  89. Herzog & de Meuron 2 items
  90. HOLLY GOLIGHTLY 6 items
  91. Hsu-Li Teo & Stefan Kaiser 5 items
  92. Hvidt & Mølgaard 8 items
  93. Ichendorf 7 items
  94. Inga Sempé 12 items
  95. Isamu Noguchi 46 items
  96. Jean Prouvé 26 items
  97. Jens Korte 2 items
  98. Jessica Hans 2 items
  99. Joan Gaspar 13 items
  100. Joel Hoff & Philipp von Lintel 2 items
  101. JOHN TREE 9 items
  102. Jonas Trampedach 3 items
  103. Jonas trampedach & Viola heyn-johnson 3 items
  104. Jordi Canudas 7 items
  105. jorge pensi 2 items
  106. Jorgen Rasmussen 2 items
  107. José Andres & Rafael Rodriguez 6 items
  108. Julie Richoz 2 items
  109. Julien renault 4 items
  110. Jørgen Wolff 2 items
  111. Keiji Takeuchi 2 items
  112. Kris Van Puyvelde 9 items
  113. Kristine Five Melvær 2 items
  114. Kristof Pycke 2 items
  115. Le Corbusier 3 items
  116. Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand 11 items
  117. Ledixa 2 items
  118. LEGIO NOVA 2 items
  119. Leif Jørgensen 5 items
  120. Lievore Altherr Molina + Altherr Désile Park 8 items
  121. Louise Liljencrantz 4 items
  122. Luca Ladiana 3 items
  123. Ludovica et Roberto Palomba 3 items
  124. Maarten Van Severen 4 items
  125. Magis 2 items
  126. Marco Biegert et Andreas Funk 11 items
  127. Margherita Rui 2 items
  128. Martin Ebert 2 items
  129. MARTIN SOLEM 2 items
  130. Matthew Hilton 4 items
  131. Max Ernst Haefeli 5 items
  132. Mendel Heit 2 items
  133. Merit Frank, Nana Gröner 3 items
  134. Metrica 3 items
  135. Michel Charlot 12 items
  136. Mies van der Rohe 2 items
  137. Mist-O 7 items
  138. Moritz Schlatter 2 items
  139. Moschino by Jeremy Scott 2 items
  140. Muller Van Severen 20 items
  141. Muller Van Severen’s 2 items
  142. Nani Marquina & Elisa Padrón 6 items
  143. Nanimarquina 8 items
  144. Nanimarquina/Santi Moix 2 items
  145. nils & agustina kjerstadius 4 items
  146. Norbert Geelen 6 items
  147. Normann Copenhagen 6 items
  148. Næssi Studio 2 items
  149. Ole Palsby 2 items
  150. Olivelab 3 items
  151. Panter & Tourron 2 items
  152. Patricia Urquiola con Eliana Gerotto 6 items
  153. Patrick Jouin 11 items
  154. Patrick turner 2 items
  155. Paul McCobb 3 items
  156. pauline deltour 6 items
  157. Peter J.Lassen 10 items
  158. Peter Joebsch 2 items
  159. Philipp von Lintel et Joel Hoff 2 items
  160. Pierre Jeanneret 5 items
  161. Pio & Tito Toso 4 items
  162. Poul Kjærholm 3 items
  163. Quaglio Simonelli 2 items
  164. Rafael Rodriguez 14 items
  165. Ramos & Bassols 8 items
  166. Raw-Edges 5 items
  167. Richard Ginori 8 items
  168. Rikke Hagen 3 items
  169. Robin Day 5 items
  170. Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, 2 items
  171. Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec 2 items
  172. Ronan Bouroullec 4 items
  173. Rui Pereira 3 items
  174. SABINE FINKENAUER 4 items
  175. Sam Weller 5 items
  176. Sami Kallio 7 items
  177. Santi Moix 6 items
  178. Sartori Rugs 9 items
  179. Sascha Sartory 4 items
  180. Saskia Huebner 6 items
  181. Sebastian Herkner 5 items
  182. Skagerak Design 5 items
  183. Sori Yanagi 2 items
  184. Space Copenhagen 25 items
  185. Stephan Hürlemann 5 items
  186. Stephan Hurlemann 3 items
  187. Stephen burks 2 items
  188. Studio Hannes Wettstein 2 items
  189. Studio Kaschkasch 2 items
  190. Studio Roso 3 items
  191. Studio Tolix 13 items
  192. Studiopepe 7 items
  193. Sylvain Willenz 3 items
  194. Thau & Kallio 4 items
  195. Tsukasa Goto 2 items
  196. urge 4 items
  197. Vantot 3 items
  198. Viggo Boesen 4 items
  199. Waeber/Dickenmann 2 items
  200. Walter Knoll Team 2 items
  201. Wang & Söderström 4 items
  202. Werner Max Moser 5 items
  203. Xavier Mañosa & Mashallah 3 items
  204. Yonoh 6 items
  205. Yuji Okitsu 2 items
  206. ZEITRAUM 2 items
  207. Paolo Piva 1 item
  208. Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 46 items
  209. Jean-Charles de Castelbajac 1 item
  210. TAF Studio 8 items
  211. Patricia Urquiola 72 items
  212. Roberto Tognon 1 item
  213. Shin & Tomoko Azumi 2 items
  214. Piero Lissoni 33 items
  215. Jo Hammerborg 8 items
  216. Franco Raggi 6 items
  217. Nicoletta Rossi and Guido Bianchi 1 item
  218. Joe Colombo 1 item
  219. Martin Ballendat (DESIGN BALLENDAT) 3 items
  220. Philippe Starck & Ambroise Maggiar 1 item
  221. Robert Bronwasser 3 items
  222. Michael Anastassiades 44 items
  223. Benoît Deneufbourg 1 item
  224. Hertel & Klarhoefer 1 item
  225. Simon Legald 260 items
  226. Vincent Van Duysen 9 items
  227. Reto Schöpfer 2 items
  228. Werkentwurf 6 items
  229. Komplot Design 3 items
  230. Johan Van Hengel 10 items
  231. Nana Gröner 2 items
  232. Claudio Caramel 1 item
  233. Aldo Ciabatti 1 item
  234. Jasper Morrison 63 items
  235. Alberto Meda 3 items
  236. Peter Johansen 2 items
  237. Whatswhat 1 item
  238. Alain van Havre 152 items
  239. Big-Game 6 items
  240. Benny Mosimann 6 items
  241. Sigurjón Pálsson 6 items
  242. Eugeni Quitllet 22 items
  243. Lars Tornøe 3 items
  244. Florent Coirier 2 items
  245. Benjamin Hubert 7 items
  246. Lorenz & Kaz 2 items
  247. Shoichi Uchiyama 2 items
  248. Tom Chung 9 items
  249. Jens Fager 10 items
  250. Bangdesign & Haworth design studio 1 item
  251. Karim Rashid 2 items
  252. Alessandro Busana 4 items
  253. Soren Rose 1 item
  254. Warren Platner 3 items
  255. Christophe Pillet 17 items
  256. Nani Marquina 18 items
  257. King Miranda 1 item
  258. Estudio Andreu 4 items
  259. Simon Karkov 5 items
  260. Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby 11 items
  261. Gino Sarfatti 2 items
  262. Maurizio Peregalli 103 items
  263. Nathan Yong 5 items
  264. Andreas Saxer 2 items
  265. Chantal Andriot 4 items
  266. Nicholai Wiig Hansen 6 items
  267. Thomas Bentzen 43 items
  268. Clara Von Zweigbergk 4 items
  269. Antti Kotilainen 9 items
  270. Konstantin Grcic 65 items
  271. Broberg & Riddersträle 2 items
  272. Roberto Barbieri 2 items
  273. Jacques Deneef 34 items
  274. Stefano Giovannoni 2 items
  275. Marianne Andersen 1 item
  276. Frédéric Sofia 51 items
  277. Fritz Hansen 7 items
  278. Giulio Iacchetti 1 item
  279. Ross Lovegrove 5 items
  280. Frank Gehry 15 items
  281. Philippe Starck 113 items
  282. Harry Bertoia 9 items
  283. Ionna Vautrin 17 items
  284. Ludovica & Roberto Palomba 57 items
  285. Wim Rietveld 3 items
  286. Ludovica + Roberto Palomba 16 items
  287. Ichiro Iwasaki 7 items
  288. Marti Guixé 1 item
  289. Achille Castiglioni & Pio Manzù 2 items
  290. Valerio Bottin 1 item
  291. Bernard Schottlander 9 items
  292. David Geckeler 3 items
  293. Iskos-Berlin 56 items
  294. Alberto Basaglia / Natalia Rota Nodari 13 items
  295. Mario Bellini 3 items
  296. Paolo Lucidi + Luca Pevere 1 item
  297. Hans Hornemann 6 items
  298. Alberto e Francesco Meda 4 items
  299. Beat Glässer 4 items
  300. Steve Nemeth & Haworth design studio 1 item
  301. Albert Schuppli 1 item
  302. Tina Ratzer 2 items
  303. Jacques Biny 1 item
  304. Fattorini + Rizzini 1 item
  305. André Zingg 9 items
  306. Joel Hoff 1 item
  307. Smith Matthias 3 items
  308. Hee Welling & Hay 17 items
  309. Marc Sadler 43 items
  310. HolmbäckNordentoft 1 item
  311. Jorge Pensi Design Studio 4 items
  312. Louis Poulsen A/S 5 items
  313. Leon Ransmeier 4 items
  314. Mandelli Pagliarulo 9 items
  315. Anderssen & Voll 89 items
  316. Aiayu 3 items
  317. Enrico Franzolini 2 items
  318. Sybilla 11 items
  319. Jaime Hayon 59 items
  320. Ettore Sottsass 3 items
  321. Jean-Marie Massaud 11 items
  322. Cazzaniga Mandelli Pagliarulo 24 items
  323. Margrethe Odgaard 2 items
  324. Pierre Charpin 4 items
  325. Seppo Koho 30 items
  326. Studio Fermob 34 items
  327. Hannes Wettstein 27 items
  328. Lagranja Design 1 item
  329. Herbert Krenchel 7 items
  330. Rudolph Schelling Webermann 3 items
  331. Verner Panton 47 items
  332. Naoto Fukasawa 40 items
  333. Harri Koskinen 1 item
  334. Vilhelm Wohlert 1 item
  335. Francis Cayouette 6 items
  336. Andreas Kowalewski 1 item
  337. James Irvine 1 item
  338. Øivind Slaatto. 2 items
  339. Philippe Nigro 3 items
  340. Michele De Lucchi, Giancarlo Fassina 32 items
  341. Jonas Wagell 4 items
  342. Sigurd Rothe 24 items
  343. Louis Poulsen A/S in Kooperation mit dem Navy Buildings Department. 1 item
  344. studio tecnico magis 1 item
  345. Bernard Albin Gras 26 items
  346. Kasper Salto 4 items
  347. Scholten & Baijings 2 items
  348. Nendo 9 items
  349. Terence Conran 1 item
  350. Jean Pauchard 4 items
  351. Pagnon et Pelhaître 42 items
  352. Friso Kramer & Wim Rietveld 5 items
  353. Peter J. Lassen 44 items
  354. Olivier Gence 1 item
  355. Vico Magistretti 7 items
  356. Chiaramonte / Marin 19 items
  357. Onno De Knegt 1 item
  358. Jakob Wagner 3 items
  359. Bertrand Balas 4 items
  360. Tobia Scarpa 5 items
  361. Andreas Engesvik 1 item
  362. Samuel Wilkinson 7 items
  363. Enzo Mari 4 items
  364. Javier Moreno Studio 1 item
  365. Jerszy Seymour 1 item
  366. HAY 91 items
  367. Frédéric Gaunet 3 items
  368. Hallgeir Homstvedt 1 item
  369. Marcello Ziliani 1 item
  370. Nao Tamura 1 item
  371. CMP DESIGN 7 items
  372. Haworth design studio 1 item
  373. Pio e Tito Toso 7 items
  374. Javier Mariscal 8 items
  375. Paola Navone 2 items
  376. Antonio Citterio avec Oliver Löw 3 items
  377. Pool 3 items
  378. Christoph Pieren 1 item
  379. Hee Welling 85 items
  380. Antonio Citterio 44 items
  381. Eoos 17 items
  382. Thomas Heatherwick 1 item
  383. Eero Saarinen 8 items
  384. Tokujin Yoshioka 19 items
  385. André Schelbach 11 items
  386. Cecilie Manz 40 items
  387. Ilia Potemine 1 item
  388. Claesson Koivisto Rune 1 item
  389. Doshi Levien 14 items
  390. Mathias Seiler et Rüdiger Schaack 1 item
  391. EMU 22 items
  392. Jacob Pringiers 2 items
  393. TAF Architectes 6 items
  394. MSDS 2 items
  395. Issey Miyake + Reality Lab 1 item
  396. Arik Levy 11 items
  397. Fattorini + Rizzini + Partners 3 items
  398. Kettal Studio 2 items
  399. Werner Max 2 items
  400. Paolo Rizzatto 2 items
  401. Britt Bonnesen 1 item
  402. Poul Henningsen 25 items
  403. Ferruccio Laviani 49 items
  404. Christophe Marchand 7 items
  405. Davide Oldani 3 items
  406. Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas 3 items
  407. Studio Kaksikko 1 item
  408. Patricia Urquiola & Haworth design studio 1 item
  409. Mortens & Jonas 4 items
  410. Constance Guisset 14 items
  411. Andreas Lund & Jacob Rudbeck 4 items
  412. Oscar Tusquets 1 item
  413. Vicente Garcia Jimenez 2 items
  414. Antoine Lesur 7 items
  415. Jørn Utzon 3 items
  416. Rodolfo Dordoni 39 items
  417. Philippe Mathieu 2 items
  418. Ron Arad 9 items
  419. Ron Gilad 1 item
  420. Enrico Franzolini et Vicente Garcia Jimenez 5 items
  421. Diego Fortunato 2 items
  422. Dominique Perrault et Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost 47 items
  423. Ilse Crawford 2 items
  424. Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci 44 items
  425. Peter J. Lassen et Joakim Lassen 1 item
  426. Harald Guggenbichler 9 items
  427. Fabio Novembre 6 items
  428. Noé Duchaufour - Lawrance 5 items
  429. Horgenglarus 6 items
  430. Achille Castiglioni 2 items
  431. Karri Monni 2 items
  432. Nestor Campos 3 items
  433. Ruckstuhl 3 items
  434. Arne Jacobsen 44 items
  435. Eero Aarnio 13 items
  436. John et Samantha Ritschl-Lassoudry 3 items
  437. Jean Nouvel 3 items
  438. Lars Beller Fjetland 2 items
  439. Christian Dell 7 items
  440. Formstelle 29 items
  441. Kressel+Schelle 4 items
  442. Steve Lechot 9 items
  443. Luca Nichetto 10 items
  444. Front 6 items
  445. Peter Van De Water 2 items
  446. Stefan Diez 12 items
  447. Charles O. Job 5 items
  448. Mathias Hahn 4 items
  449. Nani Marquina + Care & Fair 2 items
  450. Marcel Breuer 9 items
  451. Pocci / Dondoli 4 items
  452. Pedrali R&D 53 items
  453. Fabio Meliota 2 items
  454. Vilhelm Lauritzen 12 items
  455. Xavier Pauchard 35 items
  456. Lucidi / Pevere 21 items
  457. Superlife Studio 24 items
  458. Louise Campbell 2 items
  459. Alessandro Mendini 2 items
  460. Big Game 11 items
  461. Mattias Stahlbom 3 items
  462. Jan Christian Delfs 6 items
  463. Lievore Altherr Molina 23 items
  464. Anna Castelli Ferrieri 23 items
  465. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 7 items
  466. Michele Cazzaniga - Simone Mandelli - Antonio Pagliarulo 4 items
  467. Marc Newson 7 items
  468. Hans Bellmann 3 items
  469. Emmanuel Gallina 4 items
  470. Marcel Wanders 16 items
  471. Läufer & Keichel 11 items
  472. KaschKasch 9 items
  473. Atelier Oï 13 items
  474. Oiva Toikka 3 items
  475. Tveit & TornØe 5 items
  476. Studio Brichet Ziegler 17 items
  477. Børge Mogensen 2 items
  478. Dirk Wynants 65 items
  479. Julien De Smedt 32 items
  480. Carlo Colombo 2 items
  481. Mika Tolvanen 9 items
  482. EL Schmid 4 items
  483. Tristan Lohner 33 items
  484. Garcia Cumini 14 items
  485. Philippe Starck & Eugeni Quitllet 8 items
  486. Odo Fioravanti 22 items
  487. Pascal Mourgue 15 items
  488. Andreas Bergsaker 5 items
  489. GamFratesi 3 items
  490. Alfredo Häberli 4 items
  492. Sebastian Wrong 3 items
  493. Tolix 2 items
  494. Peter Asshoff & Brogård 2 items
  495. MyFelt 161 items
  496. Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni 14 items
  497. Shane Schneck 6 items
  498. Kihyun Kim 5 items
  499. Patrick Norguet 5 items
  500. Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec 124 items
Diameter (cm)
Total height (cm)
Width (cm)
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  1. 5 more options


    From  306.00 CHF Regular Price  340.00 CHF
    Steel stool/low table.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  2. 5 more options


    From  53.10 CHF Regular Price  59.00 CHF
    In stock
    Coat hook in thermocoated steel.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  3. 4 more options


    Babar outdoor
    From  342.00 CHF Regular Price  380.00 CHF
    In stock
    Steel stool/low table. Outdoor.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  4. 6 more options


    Flow Table M
    From  351.00 CHF Regular Price  390.00 CHF
    Powder-coated steel table.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  5. 6 more options


    Flow Table M
    From  270.00 CHF Regular Price  300.00 CHF
    Powder-coated steel table.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  6. 6 more options


    Flow Table LMS
    From  882.00 CHF Regular Price  980.00 CHF
    Set of three powder-coated steel tables. You can choose the base colour for the largest table.
    The colours of the two smaller tables are those shown in the image with the base colour chosen.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  7. 6 more options


    Flow Table S
    From  261.00 CHF Regular Price  290.00 CHF
    Powder-coated steel table.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  8. 3 more options


    From  171.00 CHF Regular Price  190.00 CHF
    Suspension lamp with loop. Its 7 m long cable makes it easy to move and hang up in different ways.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  9. 2 more options


    From  207.00 CHF Regular Price  230.00 CHF
    Storage shelf in thermocoated steel.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  10. 5 more options


    Octave large
    From  621.00 CHF Regular Price  690.00 CHF
    Coffee table in powder-coated steel and cork.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  11. 5 more options


    Octave oval
    From  324.00 CHF Regular Price  360.00 CHF
    Low table in cork and thermocoated steel.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife
  12. 5 more options


    Little Sister
    From  1,044.00 CHF Regular Price  1,160.00 CHF
    Bookcase in black thermocoated aluminium and solid beechwood.
    Superlife Studio
    Design by Superlife Studio
    for Superlife

Items 1-12 of 24

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